Professional Resumes Tailored by AI

Upload your resume and job description, and let EchoTalent AI generate tailored resume and a cover letter in minutes.

Tailored Resume in Three Simple Steps

Upload your resume and job description, and let EchoTalent AI do the rest. Get a tailored resume and cover letter in minutes.

1. Upload Your Resume

Start by providing your current resume.

2. Paste the Job Description

Add the job description of your target position.

3. Get Your Tailored Resume

Receive personalized documents instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

To customize your resume, upload your master resume and LinkedIn profile. Then, paste the job description of your desired position. EchoTalent AI will generate a tailored resume that highlights relevant keywords, skills, and experience.

Each job has unique requirements. Tailoring your resume for each application ensures that you highlight the most relevant skills and experiences, increasing your chances of passing ATS filters and impressing hiring managers.

EchoTalent AI is ideal for job seekers at mid or senior stages of their careers, from 2 years experiences to seasoned professionals looking to enhance their job application process.

Yes, our resumes are designed to be ATS-friendly and easily readable by both ATS and human recruiters.

Yes, we offer a free trial that allows you to explore our features before committing to a subscription.

Billing is handled through our one time payment plans, which can be viewed and managed in your account under pricing. Kindly note that this is a one-time payment, not a recurring one.

You can download your resume in PDF directly from our platform. Most job applications require their submission in PDF format.

Our AI uses advanced algorithms to ensure your resume is accurately tailored to match the job description, highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.